
Total PSA (tPSA):

o Measures overall PSA levels in the blood.

o Used as the primary screening test.

Free PSA (fPSA): 

o Measures unbound PSA.

o Lower free PSA percentage suggests a higher cancer risk.

PSA Density (PSAD): 

o Adjusts PSA levels based on prostate volume

o Helps differentiate BPH from cancer.

PSA Velocity (PSAV): 

o Tracks PSA level changes over time.

o Rapid increase may indicate aggressive cancer.

PSA Doubling Time (PSADT): 

o Measures how quickly PSA levels double.

o Faster doubling suggests more aggressive cancer.

Pro-PSA & Prostate Health Index (PHI): 

o Includes p2PSA, total PSA, & free PSA

o To improve cancer detection & reduce unnecessary biopsies.

4Kscore Test: 

o Evaluates four PSA-related proteins along with clinical factors.

o To estimate the risk of high-grade cancer.

PCA3 Test: 

o Urine-based genetic test detecting PCA3 mRNA.

o Highly specific to prostate cancer.

IsoPSA Test: 

o Analyzes PSA structural changes to distinguish benign conditions from cancer.



Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)

Non-specific (infections vs non-infectious)

≥2 of the following:

o Temp >38°C or <36°C

o HR >90 bpm

o RR >20 or PaCO₂ <32 mmHg

o WBC >12,000/mm³, <4,000/mm³, or >10% bands


Organ dysfunction due to dysregulated host response to infection.

SOFA score increases by ≥2.

qSOFA (≥2 indicates high risk):

o Altered mental status (GCS <15)

o RR ≥22/min

o SBP ≤100 mmHg

Severe Sepsis (Obsolete Term in Sepsis-3, 2016)

Sepsis + tissue hypoperfusion/organ dysfunction.

Septic Shock

Sepsis + circulatory failure

o Hypotension requiring vasopressors (MAP <65 mmHg).

o Lactate >2 mmol/L 

Management (Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines)

Early recognition & treatment (within 1 hour)

IV fluids (30 mL/kg crystalloid in 1st 3 hours)

Broad-spectrum antibiotics ASAP

Vasopressors (norepinephrine) if MAP <65 mmHg

Source control (drain abscesses, remove infected devices)

Supportive care (oxygenation, ventilation, glycemic control, DVT/stress ulcer prophylaxis)


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