
  • A substance is more radiopaque if it contains atoms of high atomic number (AN) such as calcium, iodine, barium, or lead.
  • Bone, which contains calcium (AN 20), is more radiopaque than soft tissue, which is made up mostly of carbon (AN 6), hydrogen (AN 1), and oxygen (AN 8). 
  • Iodine (AN 53) is the key constituent of radiocontrast material and lead (AN 82) is an effective barrier to x-rays.

The eye is very complex and contains various tissues and structures that work together to provide vision.

 Eye problems can range from benign, self-resolving processes to malignant, and possibly metastatic

 tumors. Eye disorders can be caused by various factors, resulting in various signs and symptoms. They

 can be as trivial as minor irritation or pain all the way to blurred vision or blindness. Strabismus is a

 visual disorder in which the eyes are misaligned and point in different directions. When the eyes are

 misaligned, typically one eye will fixate on objects of interest while the other eye turns in (esotropia), out

 (exotropia), down (hypotropia), or up (hypertropia).

  • Monitor for changes in BP, serum creatinine, & serum K+ within 2–4 weeks of initiation or increase in the dose of an ACEi or ARB. 
  • Continue ACEi or ARB therapy unless serum creatinine rises by > 30% within 4 weeks following initiation of treatment or an increase in dose.
  • FDA recommends, metformin should NOT be used with serum creatinine ≥ 1.5 mg/dl in men & ≥ 1.4 mg/dl in women or with decreased creatinine clearance in people > 80.
  • Recommended is treating patients with T2D, CKD, & an eGFR ≥ 30 ml/min per 1.73 m2 with metformin.

ADA/KDIGO Consensus Statements:

All patients with Type 1 diabetes or Type 2 diabetes and CKD should be treated with a

comprehensive plan, outlined and agreed by health care professionals and the patient 

together, to optimize nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation, and weight, upon which are

layered evidence-based pharmacologic therapies  aimed at preserving organ function and 

other therapies selected to attain intermediate targets for glycemia, blood pressure, and lipids.


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