
Diabetic foot infections (DFIs)

Diabetic foot infections (DFIs) is a common complication of longstanding diabetes, and it is associated with considerable morbidity, increased risk of lower extremity amputation, and a high mortality rate. The development of DFI derives from a complex interplay among peripheral neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), and the immune system.

Most DFIs are polymicrobial, with aerobic gram-positive cocci, and especially staphylococci, the most common causative organisms. Aerobic gram-negative bacilli are frequently co-pathogens in infections that are chronic or follow antibiotic treatment, and obligate anaerobes may be co-pathogens in ischemic or necrotic wounds.

Empiric antibiotic therapy can be narrowly targeted at aerobic gram-positive cocci in many acutely infected patients, but those at risk for infection with antibiotic-resistant organisms or with chronic, previously treated, or severe infections usually require broader spectrum regimens. Imaging is helpful in most DFIs; plain radiographs may be sufficient, but magnetic resonance imaging is far more sensitive and specific.

Osteomyelitis occurs in 15% of ulcers, and 15% of those will go on to require amputation. Approximately 60% of patients undergoing lower extremity amputation have diabetic foot ulcers as the underlying cause. Following a lower extremity amputation, the 5-year mortality jumps to 60%.

Surgical interventions of various types are often needed, and proper wound care is important for the successful cure of the infection and healing of the wound. Patients with a DFI should be evaluated for an ischemic foot, and employing multidisciplinary foot teams improves outcomes.

The prognosis for a diabetic foot infection depends on many factors including vascular blood supply and the presence of neuropathy.



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