
High output Ileostomies


  • Output >1.5 -2.0L/24 hours leading dehydration & dys-electrolytemia.
  • Occurs in 31% of small bowel stomas.
  • Daily output increases with increasing small bowel resection
  • Resection of 15-50cm of terminal ileum results in an increase of >300 g/24hr vs with <15cm removed 
  • Mature ileostomy put out up to 1200mL/day
  • Jejunostomies can put out up to 6 L/day
  • Colostomies usually only put out 200-600mL/day 

Normal intestinal fluid transport

  • 9 -10 L of fluid passes the ligament of Treitz/ day
  • Jejunum absorbs ~ 6 L & Ileum ~ 2.5 L
  • Colon absorbs rest but 100 mL excreted in feces daily.

Ostomy at ileocecal valve expected to produce 1-1.5 L of stool output/day

Containing approximately

  • 200 mEq of sodium
  • 100 mEq of chloride &
  • 10 mEq of potassium

In Extensive ileal resection, >100 cm, bile salts loss outpaces hepatic production, leading to bile acid deficiency & steatorrhea

Hypomagnesemia occurs in 78% with a jejunostomy.

Common complications include:

  • - Dehydration & AKI
  • - Low serum sodium
  • - Low urinary sodium
  • - Low serum magnesium
  • - Loss of Chloride & bicarbonate leading to metabolic acidosis
  • - High plasma renin & aldosterone
  • - Weight loss / malnutrition
  • - Low Vitamin B12 (if > 60-100cm of terminal ileum resected)


Rehydrate & replace electrolytes

Oral hypotonic fluid is restricted & a glucose-saline solution is sipped.


  • To slow transit (Imodium/Lomotil/opioids) or
  • To reduce secretions (omeprazole for gastric acid)
  • Octreotide/sandostatin

  • GLP-2, enhances gut adaptation, inhibits gastric acid secretion & slow emptying; stimulates intestinal blood flow; increases intestinal barrier function; & enhances nutrient & fluid absorption. 


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