The prognosis of patients presenting with Sister Mary
Joseph’s nodule is generally poor as it is a sign of advanced malignancy.
Management of the disease should consider patient preference, the clinical
state of the patient, and the etiology of the primary malignancy.
Sister Mary Joseph’s Nodule
Defined as neoplastic lesion in the periumbilical
region arising as a primary tumor or representing as a site of metastasis from
visceral organ malignancies such as from the gastrointestinal tract and the
reproductive organs. The overall incidence is 1-3% in general population with
malignancies. The primary site of malignancy associated is significantly
different in men and women. The most common primary site in men is the stomach
followed by the colon and pancreas, whereas in women, the most common site is
the ovary followed by endometrium, colorectal, and pancreas.
Sister Mary Joseph’s Nodule
Reviewed by @DharSaty
February 12, 2024
Rating: 5