
Mercedes Benz sign

Radiological sign, a triradiate radiolucent shadow, characteristic of the automobile maker's trademark. In case of Gallstones, radiolucent lines represent gas accumulation within the body of a calculus. Center of calculus may contract more than its periphery, which would result in the radial fissures. Gas in the fissures typically comprises < 1% O2, 6–8% Co2 & the rest nitrogen.

The inverted Mercedes-Benz sign refers to the shape taken on by a spinal subdural hematoma on axial imaging at the level of the denticulate ligaments, best visualized on MRI. A pair of denticulate ligaments and the dorsal septum constitute the three radiating spikes of the sign, while blood expands and fills the three loculations in-between.

The Mercedes-Benz sign can be seen in aortic dissection on CT. It is seen as three distinct intimal flaps that have a triradiate configuration like the Mercedes-Benz logo. The appearances are postulated to represent secondary dissection in the wall of the dissected false lumen. It is also called a triple-barreled aortic dissection


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