
Dupuytren’s contracture

Dupuytren’s contracture is predominantly a myo-fibroblastic disease that affects the palmar and digital fascia of the hand and results in contracture deformities. The most commonly affected digits are the fourth and fifth digits. It is a genetic disorder that often is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion, but is most frequently seen with a multifactorial etiology. There are a number of factors that are believed to contribute to the development or worsening of this disease.

These include:

  • Men are more likely to develop the condition than women.
  • People of northern European (English, Irish, Scottish, French, and Dutch) and Scandinavian (Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish) ancestry are more likely to develop the condition.
  • Dupuytren's often runs in families.
  • Drinking alcohol may be associated with Dupuytren's.
  • Diabetes, HIV, Vascular disease, smoking and seizure disorders are more likely to have Dupuytren's.
  • Incidence of the condition increases with age.


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