
Diabetes and hemoglobin A1c


In patients ≥65 years of age treated with medication for type 2 diabetes, hemoglobin A1c values of 7%–8% have shown the greatest reduction in mortality in multiple studies. The specific hemoglobin A1c target between 7% and 8% should be based on shared decision-making and the overall condition of the patient at that specific age, with goals in the lower 7% range for those with good to excellent functional status. It is suggested that lower hemoglobin A1c values are associated with frequent hypoglycemia, which presents a greater risk than a higher hemoglobin A1c value alone. Hemoglobin A1c values over 9% are associated with greater mortality. Thus, while the risk of complications increases linearly with hemoglobin A1c, mortality has a U-shaped curve. Management of blood pressure and treatment with statins improves mortality in these patients as well and is important in addressing overall cardiovascular risk.


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