
Oxygen Delivery Methods

Total O2 content is expressed by the following equation:

O2 content (CaO2) = (Hgb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (0.0031 x PaO2)

where Hgb is hemoglobin concentration and SaO2 is hemoglobin saturation at the given PO2. 

The principal form of oxygen transport in blood is as hemoglobin-bound.

Each gram of hemoglobin can maximally bind 1.34 mL of oxygen.

The oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is calculated as = [Hb] x 1.34.

In a healthy person, with a hemoglobin concentration of 15 g / dL blood, the oxygen carrying capacity is 20.1 mL O2 / dL blood.


Oxygen transport is dependent on both respiratory and circulatory function.

Total O2 delivery (DO2) to tissues is the product of arterial O2 content and cardiac output (CO).

DO2 = CaO2 x CO

Note that arterial O2 content is dependent on PaO2 as well as hemoglobin concentration. As a result, deficiencies in O2 delivery may be due to a low PaO2, a low hemoglobin concentration, or an inadequate cardiac output.


The Fick equation of O2 consumption

VO2 = CO x (CaO2 – CvO2)

Oxy-hemoglobin Dissociation Curve

With a normal O2 consumption of approximately 250 ml/min and cardiac output of 5000 ml/min the normal arteriovenous difference is calculated to be about 5 ml O2/dl blood. The normal extraction ratio is approximately 25%, thus the body normally consumes only ~25% of the O2 carried on hemoglobin. When O2 demand exceeds supply, the extraction fraction exceeds 25%, and conversely, if O2 supply exceeds demand, the extraction fraction falls below 25%.

When DO2 (oxygen delivery) is moderately reduced, VO2 usually remains normal because of increased O2 extraction (meaning mixed venous O2 saturation decreases). With further reductions in the DO2, a critical point is reached beyond which VO2 becomes directly proportional to DO2. This state of supply-dependent O2 is typically associated with progressive lactic acidosis caused by cellular hypoxia.


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