
Anterior cerebral artery (ACA) strokes

ACA infarcts are rare because of the collateral circulation provided by the anterior communicating artery. ACA infarct can present as contralateral hemiparesis with loss of sensibility in the foot and lower extremity, sometimes with urinary incontinence. This is due to the involvement of the medial paracentral gyrus. If the lesion is very proximal, it is possible that there may be cognitive impairment due to lesions in the prefrontal cortex.

Anterior cerebral artery strokes occur in the territory of the anterior cerebral artery which involves the superior and medial part of the parietal lobe along with the midline of the frontal lobe. These are uncommon causes of ischemic infarctions, making up about 0.3%-4.4% of stroke cases in series reports. The clinical presentation of this stoke is variable as it depends on whether the anterior cerebral artery or one of its branches is involved.


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